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Azure security

AI is changing the world of cybersecurity

In today’s digital age, cyber security is like a fortress wall, that protects our online world from intruders and dangers that are living outside. But guess what? Both the fortress walls AND the outside world are evolving faster than ever before. We live in an era of constant, fast change. And we must change too, or we’ll fall behind… or worse. There are new dangers out there, but also new ways to protect ourselves.

The Importance of Data Protection and Labelling Policies in Microsoft Azure

Breaches, ransomware, data theft … All the above are incidents we’re often confronted with as a cyber security company. But what could you do to prevent these kinds of incidents from happening? And how do they occur at all? To illustrate the importance of data protection and labelling policies in Microsoft Azure, we’ll tell you a story about a data breach in a fictional company called Fictico.

Working on laptop

Compliance leads to extra customer trust

Over the past two years, the digitisation of our working environment has made great strides. We now live in a hyper-connected world, where we can work from almost anywhere. But that also brings security and compliance challenges. Because the more data you create and share, the greater the risk of something going wrong. Wesley Venstermans, Compliance and Security Manager at SecWise explains why you too should get on board with it.

Microsoft authenticator app

Are you already using MFA Number Matching?

MFA Number Matching is a new feature from Microsoft, and a form of Multi-Factor Authentication. It prevents you from accidentally authorising a rogue login attempt by making you enter a two-digit number in your Authenticator app. The feature is suitable for anyone with a Microsoft account using the Microsoft Authenticator app. Cloud security consultant Michiel Schuermans explains below what else to expect from it.