Your Cloud Security Journey
Begins Now

Forge a forward-thinking security strategy to navigate the latest cyber challenges.

The Evolution to Cloud-Centric Workplaces and IT

Is your organization equipped to handle the evolving cyber landscape? As your steadfast ally, we’re here to construct a cutting-edge security strategy for you.

Modern Workplace Dynamics

The shift towards remote work, BYOD policies, cloud applications, and beyond necessitates a fresh understanding of emerging security threats. A comprehensive Microsoft 365 security framework ensures robust end-to-end defence. Leverage our expertise in Microsoft 365 security to guarantee that your workforce operates securely, regardless of location or time.

Azure and Hybrid Datacenters

Securing your Azure workloads demands a robust Azure security architecture and governance. Our Azure Security framework model lays the groundwork, guiding the securement of your Azure or hybrid workloads and overarching Azure infrastructure. Count on us as your trusted advisor to offer expert recommendations on solution components tailored to your specific workload scenarios.

Zero Trust Principle

The transition to cloud computing transforms user authentication and access protocols. Traditional email and password credentials fall short in the new era of remote and flexible work arrangements. By adopting the Zero Trust principle in identity and access management, your organization no longer has to compromise between stringent security and a productive user experience.

Pathway to Security Maturity

What constitutes a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy? We provide a suite of security solutions aimed at protecting all your vulnerable attack surfaces. From assessment through implementation and ongoing support, we are with you every step towards cloud enlightenment.

SecWise Assess

The journey mostly starts with a security assessment. What is your current ‘AS IS’ security posture, and how can you evolve to a recommended ‘TO BE’ situation? We help you answer these and more questions to provide you with a clear security roadmap.

  •  Where is my sensitive data stored?
  • On-premises? In the cloud?
  • Who can access my data, and where from?
  • Where are my critical applications hosted?
  • What is my organization’s IT strategy?
  • Pure cloud or hybrid cloud?
  • IAAS, PaaS or SaaS first?
  • What is my organization’s attack surface?
  • Do we have a cyber disaster recovery process in place?

SecWise Identity

We help you build a zero trust IAM architecture based on AD/Azure AD to enable more cost-efficient and effective access management, authentication, identity management, privileged identity/access management and governance across your organization to help minimize security risks.

Review and redesign of:

  • Identity protection and privileged access
  • MFA authentication accountability
  • Auditing and visibility
  • Compliance enforcement
  • Manageability of identities and devices

SecWise Endpoint

Build a secure modern workplace management architecture to manage your endpoints and mobile devices anytime, anywhere, guaranteeing endpoint security throughout their complete lifecycle.

  • Define current risks
  • Optimize current tools and processes
  • Design and implement a fully cloud-based endpoint management solution with Microsoft Endpoint Manager
  • Implement security and compliance baselines

SecWise Protect

Implement a set of Microsoft365 Defender XDR security controls to protect your organization against malware attacks such as ransomware, social engineering attacks such as phishing, and drive-by download attacks. Get visibility on the security posture of your managed devices, but also on shadow IT and cloud applications.

  • Advanced mail and endpoint security
  • Better visibility of shadow IT and cloud applications

SecWise Dataguard

Apply data protection controls to enhance your data security and privacy posture. SecWise DataGuard allows your organization to comply with regulatory requirements and minimize the data leakage risk. SecWise will help you to discover, classify and protect sensitive information, on-premises and in the cloud. Your maturity in data protection will drastically increase, allowing you to monitor and remediate sensitive data at risk.

  • Map your data classification levels
  • Discover, classify and protect your sensitive information
  • Monitor and remediate data at risk

SecWise Secure Cloud

To run your Azure workloads securely, you need a solid Azure security architecture and governance framework. We have designed an Azure Security framework model as a foundation to guide you in securing your full or hybrid Azure workloads and overall Azure architecture. We are your trusted advisor in providing expert insights in the solution components of choice according to your workload use cases.

  • Azure security and governance framework
  • Expert advice in solution components
  • Secure architecture design

SecWise Care

Get third line security support for all your Microsoft (hybrid) cloud technology security questions and change requests.

  • Urgent questions are handled within a couple of hours
  • Quick risk assessments upon request
  • Secure support portal

SecWise Watch

Our 24×7 Managed SOC service for continuous monitoring, detection and response follow-up of your cyber security. We have built a Cloud SOC on Microsoft Sentinel SIEM/SOAR technology with extended automation capabilities. Managed by a specialist SOC team with cyber security and Microsoft cloud certified skills.

  • Managed monitoring and follow-up of your security alerts
  • A dedicated team of cyber experts for 24×7 monitoring and incident response (CSIRT)
  • Monthly reporting and debrief sessions on your cloud security controls
  • Pro-active recommendations and expert advice
  • Vulnerability and posture management insights

SecWise Connect

Having trouble keeping up with a constantly evolving Cyber security world? Meet SecWise Connect, as your security partner we’ll regularly check your cloud to make sure it is still secure.

Whether it’s because Microsoft releases yet another new feature to better protect your cloud, or because your internal IT team has changed settings for troubleshooting reasons, and forgot to turn them back on again, SecWise Connect will ensure that you’ll know about it. To ensure the security of your cloud infrastructure we periodically check three main domains: Identity, Endpoint and Protect. This way you’ll never feel out of date again.

The Principles Of A Zero Trust Strategy

  • Verify explicitly
  • Use least privileged access
  • Assume breach

Ready For Your Cloud Security Journey?

Contact us now to start your assessment!