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Compliance leads to extra customer trust

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“Compliance leads to extra customer trust”

Over the past two years, the digitisation of our working environment has made great strides. We now live in a hyper-connected world, where we can work from almost anywhere. But that also brings security and compliance challenges. Because the more data you create and share, the greater the risk of something going wrong. Wesley Venstermans, Compliance and Security Manager at SecWise explains why you too should get on board with it.

Compliancy can be described in general terms as complying with a set of rules, standards or laws. By pursuing it, an organisation shows the outside world that it is aware of current laws and regulations and that it is taking steps to comply with them. An organisation with a certain demonstrable standardisation will see its reputation grow, score higher in terms of customer trust, and therefore be able to present better results.

Last year, the data estate, that is all the data organisations knowingly and unknowingly own, grew by 62 per cent globally. And at least such growth is expected this year too. Not unexpectedly, a lot of remote working is generating additional data traffic. Just think of the many virtual meetings, chats or real-time collaboration on shared documents, which have grown tremendously in recent years. While they are great tools within hybrid working, they can also bring dangers that weren’t there before.

Data protection

Poor management of your data, for example, can cause valuable data to be unintentionally shared or distributed. Within SecWise, we therefore focus on better protecting your data and increasing your privacy posture. We support you in discovering, classifying and protecting your sensitive data, on-premise and in the cloud, and help you to reduce the risk of improper use of your data.

Compliancy, and therefore data protection, is important for every organisation because they all hold sensitive or confidential data in varying degrees. It is a myth that only banks, hospitals or nuclear sites are at risk. Even a disgruntled employee can do a lot of damage if they just share your customer database or intellectual property with a rival company.

Balance between usability and security

Organisations that are already SecWise customers, can rest in peace. When rolling out our other security projects, we always take into account the most important compliance rules. In doing so, we work according to internationally recognised security frameworks. But we can also work separately on data protection, so that we can take your organisation to the next level.

For new customers, we always start with a short security maturity assessment. This provides a clear overview of where your company currently stands and where you want to go. With that information, we work out a roadmap which we can implement step by step, in this case focusing on data protection and compliance.

To keep the balance between usability and security of your data balanced at all times, we engage with people on the floor to know how they work, what they need and what tools they use to do so. We look at your data protection and governance, your privacy measures and how you approach insider risk. In addition, we also look at how you manage, control and, if necessary, remediate all this, of course tested against current GDPR regulations. In doing so, we transparently share our findings and associated costs during each stage of the process.

Curious as to whether your organisation will pass the test? Contact your sales manager within Secwise quickly, or fill in the contact form.