(Mobile) Device Management: Intune versus SCCM
19/09/2019 – 11.30 am
What will you learn
As your organization moves to the cloud and embraces enterprise mobility, the device landscape changes as well. End-users are more mobile than ever, always connected and using a wide variety of devices ranging from laptops and tablets to smartphones. Bring your own Device (BYOD) strategies are being widely adopted.
Device management already earned its marks when it comes to the ease of enrolment of new devices, managing configuration policies, and so on. Also, from a cyber security point of view, a device management strategy and solution can and will empower your security strategy and execution. The numerous devices or endpoints provide an interesting attack vector for malicious counterparts.
Having a solid device management solution, integrated with your endpoint protection, will give you an important advantage in the cyber war. Watch our free webinar and get in control.

More information
Your users are constantly moving outside the network perimeter of your organization, using a whole range of devices for both professional and private matters, always being ‘connected’ is the new normal. We often see professional devices (such as corporate laptops) being used for private matters and vice versa (smartphones, for instance). It’s hard to manage and secure your environment if you can’t control who is using which device for what purpose in the first place. A compromised device (malware-infected) in the hands of a lawful user still provides a big security risk. The wide variety of devices in use (Android versus IOS phones, Windows versus Mac pcs) adds an additional level of difficulty.
We often get asked which device management tool to use in which scenario, since Microsoft offers two: SCCM and the new Microsoft Intune. During this webinar, we will shine some light on our own experiences and highlight the pros and cons of both solutions and the advantages they can bring to your cyber security defenses.
We will cover following topics:
Securing your modern workplace across identities and infrastructures becomes quite a challenge and requires an innovative approach with evolving technology to stay ahead of the game. Microsoft has become a major trusted player in cloud security, creating an integrated security solution portfolio based on a fundamentally different approach, designed to stay ahead of this evolving game. That is why, in our webinar, we dive deeper in the Microsoft Device Management solutions and how they empower your cyber security defences:
- (Mobile) Device Management: beyond configuration management
- SCCM versus Intune: what’s best for you?
- How Microsoft Device Management can empower your cyber security